About Us

In a world that rewards copycats and penalizes the inherent bumpy road of innovation, the leader of Lith Home continuously strives to turn mundane objects into emotional rugs that inspire joy!

The sophisticated man made fur rug silhouette brings a touch of warmth and luxury to any of YOURS rooms. The designer embraces the philosophy that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Additionally she strives to uphold the American standard of HIGH QUALITY, WASHABLE AND LONG LASTING pieces tailored for your needs. The trend-proof lines of timeless rug helps you create an oasis that’s uniquely yours!

These PATENTED rugs are the brainchild of a woman & minority-owned business. What you see today stems from a single mother's desire to create meaningful rugs that inspire joy! Quality and impact-focused,  We are proud to be part of the minority and women-owned companies.

These days, you'll find us working tirelessly towards Lith's dream of making the shape of Africa and America Map rugs into household products that bring a touch of warmth and luxury to any of your rooms and a delight to your heart!